At the Wine Show, Explore Wine (www.explorewine.com) launched a fantastic new project - Speedtasting - you taste 3 wines from a selection of around 18 wines (you pick a number at each each tasting station) and have to identify the colour, grape, country and vintage of each of the three wines, whilst a clock is ticking knocking points off your potential score.
The downside to this was being in 2nd place overall and watching a group of lads send one through first to find out what the wines were (you are told the answer) and then passing the information to his two mates who then unsurprisingly won the prizes on offer.
However when I contacted the lovely people at Explore Wine to give them suggestions on how to fix this, they wrote back to thank me for my comments and are sending me a case of wine anyway - tasting notes to follow as and if they arrive!
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