Made by the behemoth of Chilean wine, Concha Y Toro, I expected great things of this wine having been impressed with both the Cono Sur and Casillero del Diablo range from the same stable, yet I was left slightly disappointed. It's not that the wine was bad, but given that it was £9 rather than £5, I expected it to be a lot better than those named above - but to my mind it wasn't. It was very fruity, yet I found it to be both a little too acidic and a little too tannic - it probably needs a good couple of years more before it becomes any good. And with a quoted acidity of 5.48g/l (their Cabernet Sauvignon quotes 3.61) it's perhaps not surprising it was a little austere. The flavours themselves were good, but for my mind there are better ways to spend £9 than this. (16/20)
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